Web Based Promotional TechniquesWeb based promotional techniques are otherwise known as SEO techniques. If you have decided to or already started developing a website and also want to increase in the natural ranking in every search engine, then here follows some significant web based promotional techniques. Just check out these helpful techniques:
Tech 1. Google leads the industry.....
Though there are several search engines like Yahoo, MSN AltaVista and AllTheWeb, yet Google leads the industry with long strides. So whatever Web based promotional techniques you apply, it should fit Google. Otherwise, your website may loose its importance. The recent statistics says Google controls almost sixty percentage of internet traffic. Thus good result in Google means more traffic to your website and good business. Your significance will increase if your industry exists for a long time. So whenever you register domains for your website do it for four or five years. Your longevity creates a good impression. After all, first impression lasts long!
Tech 2. The First Step is Keyword/phrase analysis.....
When a visitor searches for any information in the Internet, first he/she types a query in the search box. This searched query is otherwise known as keywords. Search engines provide a list of WebPages which either contain the keyword or have some relevance to the keyword. So just think how vital the keyword analysis is for your website. There are several Keyword Analysis tools available online, for example; Google products like Adwords, Labs and Overture Inventory’s Keyword Selector tool. Analyze all the keywords and choose the most appropriate keyword for your website, one which attracts more visitors than the competitors.
Tech 3. Content Is The King, So Write Good Content.....
Just ask yourself a simple question; why should a visitor visit your website? Obviously, the answer will be; to receive valuable information. If you support this concept, then just go back to your site and go through all your WebPages. Your content should satisfy both visitors and search engines. If your content has managed a good balance between search engines and visitors, then your E-business is bound to be a great success! If your website does not have search engine friendly contents then sit down and start writing content by using your selected keywords and don’t forget to have a keyword density of 3 to 5 percent of the total number of words used in the content. Be careful not to repeat keywords more than 5%, you may fall into the trap of Keyword Stuffing- Keyword Stuffing is a Black Hat technique, for which your website might be penalized by Google or can be send to Google Sandbox. Other than the content, your targeted keyword should be present in the H1 and H2 tags, title tag, alt tags and all bold, italicized, underlined texts. Your keyword must appear in the first and the last 25 words of the content. Try to avoid images, because web crawlers can’t read images. So if you wish to put pictures then describe the picture in alt image tags. Another important factor that you should be worried about is duplicate content, don’t copy content from other website’s; Google may penalize for this attempt, too.
Tech 4. Link Campaigning Is the Best Way to Popularize Your Site.....
Link Campaigning is a vital web based promotional technique. More popular your site (i.e. your website’s link should be widely present in the Internet); more quickly the crawler it. The best way to popularize your site is getting links from other sites. This popularity can be achieved through link campaigning, blog posting, forum posting and article submission. Consequently your website will appear in the first few pages of the search engine result pages (SERPs.) Thus you attract more visitors to your website. Link campaigning can be done in three different ways; one-way, two-way and three-way link campaigning. Remember to use your targeted keywords in your anchor text and meta description. If you wish to get better search engine ranking then the web based promotional techniques discussed above will work magically for you.
20 steps to get Traffic from Social Bookmarking Sites
Before knowing the steps to get traffic from Social Bookmarking Sites, we need to have the list of some of the Social Bookmarking sites and I have collected top ten sites which are given as:
10 ) Newsvine
PageRank: 7
Monthly Unique Visitors: 104,117
Alexa Rank: 3,739
9 ) BlinkList
PageRank: 6
Monthly Unique Visitors: 146,858
Alexa Rank: 3,826
8 ) Fark
PageRank: 7
Monthly Unique Visitors: 212,274
Alexa Rank: 1,614
7 ) SlashDot
PageRank: 9
Monthly Unique Visitors: 282,967
Alexa Rank: 462
6 ) Reddit
PageRank: 7
Monthly Unique Visitors: 776,298
Alexa Rank: 838
5 ) StumbleUpon
PageRank: 8
Monthly Unique Visitors: 698,601
Alexa Rank: 316
4 ) Del.icio.us
PageRank: 8
Monthly Unique Visitors: 1,032,489
Alexa Rank: 201
3 ) Technorati
PageRank: 8
Monthly Unique Visitors: 3,563,581
Alexa Rank: 198
2 ) Netscape
PageRank: 9
Unique Monthly Visitors: 5,251,829
Alexa Rank: 562
1 ) Digg
PageRank: 8
Unique Monthly Visitors: 15,647,361
Alexa Rank: 91
Now lets learn about getting traffics from these pages.
Step 1: Pay attention to your Headlines
Many great articles go unnoticed on social bookmarking sites because their headline is not catchy enough. Your headline is the first (and very often the only) thing users will see from your article, so if you don't make the effort to provide a catchy headline, your chances of getting to the front page are small. Here are some examples to start with :-
Original headline : The Two Types of Cognition
Modified Headline : Learn to Understand Your Own Intelligence
Original headline: Neat way to organize and find anything in your purse instantly!
Modified Headline : How to Instantly Find Anything in Your Purse
Here is a good blog post that should help you with your headlines.
Step 2: Write a meaningful & short description
The headline is very important to draw attention but if you want to keep that attention, a meaningful description is vital. The description must be slightly provocative because this draws more attention but still, never use lies and false facts to provoke interest. For instance, if your write “This article will reveal to you the 10 sure ways to deal with stress once and forever and live like a king from now on.” visitors will hardly think that your story is true and facts-based. You also might be tempted to use a long tell-it-all paragraph to describe your great masterpiece but have in mind that many users will not bother to read anything over 100-150 characters. Additionally, some of the social bookmarking sites limit descriptions, so you'd better think in advance how to describe your article as briefly as possible.
Step 3: Have a great first paragraph
This is a rule that is always true but for successful social bookmarking it is even more important. If you have successfully passed Level 1 (headlines) and Level 2 (description) in the Catch the User's Attraction game, don't let a bad first paragraph make them leave your site.
Step 4: Content is king
However, the first paragraph is not everything. Going further along the chain of drawing (and retaining) users' attention, we reach the Content is King Level. If your articles are just trash, bookmarking them is useless. You might cheat users once but don't count on repetitive visits. What is more, you can get your site banned from social bookmarking sites, when you persistently post junk.
Step 5: Make it easy for others to vote / bookmark your site
It is best when other people, not you, bookmark your site. Therefore, you must make your best to make it easier for them to do it. You can put a bookmarking button at the end of the article, so if users like your content, they can easily post it. If you are using a CMS, check if there is an extension that allows to add Digg, Del.icio.us, and other buttons but if you are using static HTML, you can always go to the social bookmarking site and copy the code that will add their button to your pages. Here is a link that should help you add Links for Del.icio.us, Digg, and More to your pages.
Step 6: Know when to submit
The time when you submit can be crucial for your attempts to get to the front page. On most social bookmarking sites you have only 24 hours to get to the front page and stay there. So, if you post when most users (and especially your supporters) are still sleeping, you are wasting valuable time. By the time they get up, you might have gone to the tenth page. You'd better try it for yourself and see if it works for you but generally posting earlier than 10 a.m. US Central Time is not good. Many people say that they get more traffic around 3 p.m. US Central Time. Also, workdays are generally better in terms of traffic but the downside is that you have more competitors for the front page than on weekends.
Step 7: Submit to the right category
Sometimes a site might not work for you because there is no right category for you. Or because you don't submit to the right category – technology, health, whatever – but to categories like General, Miscellaneous, etc. where all unclassified stuff goes. And since these categories fill very fast, your chance to get noticed decreases.
Step 8: Build a top-profile
Not all users are equal on social bookmarking sites. If you are an old and respected user who has posted tons of interesting stuff, this increases the probability that what you submit will get noticed. Posting links to interesting articles on other sites is vital for building a top-profile. Additionally, it is suspicious, when your profile has links to only one site. Many social bookmarking sites frown when users submit their own content because this feels like self-promotion.
Step 9: Cooperate with other social bookmarkers
The Lonely Wolf is a suicidal strategy on sites like StubleUpon, Digg, Netscape. Many stories make it to the front page not only because they are great but because they are backed up by your network of friends. If in the first hours after your submittal you get at least 15 votes from your friends and supporters, it is more likely that other users will vote for you. 50 votes can get you to the top page of Digg.
Step 10: Submit in English
Linguistic diversity is great but the majority of users are from English-speaking countries and they don't understand exotic languages. So, for most of the social bookmarking sites submitting anything in a language different from English is not recommendable. The languages that are at an especial disadvantage are Chinese, Arabic, Slavic languages and all the other that use non-latin alphabet. German, Spanish, French are more understandable but still they are not English. If you really must submit your story (i.e. because you need the backlink), include an English translation at least of the title. But the best way to proceed with non-English stories is to post them on where they belong. Check this link for a list of non-English sites.
Step 11: Never submit old news
Submitting old news will not help you in becoming a respected user. Yesterday's news is history. But if you still need to submit old stuff, consider feature articles, howtos and similar pieces that are up-to-date for a long time.
Step 12: Check your facts
You must be flattered that users read your postings but you will hardly be flattered when users prove that you haven't got the facts right. In addition to sarcastic comments, you might also receive negative votes for your story, so if you want to avoid this, check you facts - or your readers will do it.
Step 13: Check you spelling
Some sites do not allow to edit your posts later, so if you misspell the title, the URL, or a keyword, it will stay this way forever.
Step 14: Not all topics do well
But sometimes even great content and submitting to the right category do not push you to the top. One possible reason could be that your stories are about unpopular topics. Many sites have topics that their users love and topics that don't sell that well. For instance, Apple sells well on Digg and The War in Iraq on Netscape. Negative stories - about George Bush, Microsoft, evil multinational companies, corruption and crime also have a chance to make it to the front page. You can't know these things in advance but some research on how many stories tagged with keywords like yours have made the front page in the last year or so can give you a clue.
Step 15: Have Related Articles / Popular Articles
Traffic gurus joke that traffic from social bookmarking sites is like an invasion – the crowds pour in and in a day or two they are gone. Unfortunately this is true – after your listing rolls from the front page (provided that you reached the front page), the drop in traffic is considerable. Besides, many users come just following the link to your article, have a look at it and then they are gone. One of the ways to keep them longer on your site is to have links to Related Articles / Popular Articles or something similar that can draw their attention to other stuff on the site and make them read more than one article.
Step 16: RSS feeds, newsletter subscriptions, affiliate marketing
RSS feeds, newsletter subscriptions, affiliate marketing are all areas in which the traffic from social bookmarking sites can help you a lot. Many people who come to your site and like it, will subscribe to RSS feeds and/or your newsletter. So, you need to put these in visible places and then you will be astonished at the number of new subscriptions you got on the day when you were on the front page of a major social bookmarking site.
Step 17: Do not use automated submitters
After some time of active social bookmarking, you will discover that you are spending hours on end posting links. Yes, this is a lot of time and using automated submitters might look like the solution but it isn't. Automated submitters often have malware in them or are used for stealing passwords, so unless you don't care about the fate of your profile and don't mind being banned, automated submitters are not the way to go.
Step 18: Respond to comments on your stories
Social bookmarking sites are not a newsgroup but interesting articles can trigger a pretty heated discussion with hundreds of comments. If your article gets comments, you must be proud. Always respond to commends on your stories and even better – post comments on other stories you find interesting. This is a way to make friends and to create a top-profile.
Step 19: Prepare your server for the expected traffic
This is hardly a point of minor importance but we take for granted that you are hosting your site on a reliable server that does not crash twice a day. But have in mind that your presence on the front page of a major social bookmarking site can drive you a lot traffic, which can cause your server to crash – literally! I remember one of the times I was on the front page on Digg, I kept restarting Apache on my dedicated server because it was unable to cope with the massive traffic. I have many tools on my site and when the visitors tried them, this loaded the server additionally. Well, for an articles site getting so much traffic is not so devastating but if you are hosting on a so-so server, you'd better migrate your site to a machine that can handle a lot of simultaneous hits. Also, check if your monthly traffic allowance is enough to handle 200-500,000 or even more visitors. It is very amateurish to attract a lot of visitors and not be able to serve them because your server crashed or you have exceeded your bandwidth!
Step 20: The snowball effect
But despite the differences in the likes of the different social bookmarking communities, there are striking similarities. You will soon discover that if a post is popular on one of the major sites, this usually drives it up on the other big and smaller sites. Usually it is Digg posts that become popular on StumbleUpon and Reddit but there are many other examples. To use this fact to your best advantage, you may want to concentrate your efforts on getting to the front page of the major players only and bet on the snowball effect to drive you to the top on other sites.An additional benefit of the snowball effect is that if your posting is interesting and people start blogging about it, you can get tons of backlinks from their blogs. This happened to me and the result was that my PR jumped to 6 on the next update.
Web promotion strategy
Another strategic decision in the area of promotion concerns the allocation of effort among the three different methods of promotion. Advertising refers to nonpersonal communication transmitted through the mass media (radio, television, print, outdoors, and mail). The communication is identified with a sponsor who compensates the media for the transmission. Personal selling refers to face-toface interaction with the customer.
Unlike advertising, personal selling involves communication in both directions, from the source to the destination and back. All other forms of communication with the customer other than those included in advertising and personal selling constitute sales promotion. Thus, coupons, samples, demonstrations, exhibits, premiums, sweepstakes, trade allowances, sales and dealer incentives, cents-off packs, rebates, and point-of-purchase material are all sales promotion devices. A variety of new ways have been developed to communicate with customers. These include telemarketing (i.e., telephone selling) and demonstration centers (i.e., specially designed showrooms to allow customers to observe and try out complex industrial equipment). The discussion in this article will be limited to the three traditional methods of promotion. In some cases, the three types of promotion may be largely interchangeable; however, they should be blended judiciously to complement each other for a balanced promotional perspective. Illustrated below is the manner in which a chemical company mixed advertising with personal selling and sales promotion to achieve optimum promotional performance: An advertising campaign aimed at customer industries, employees, and plant communities carried the theme, “The little chemical giant.” It appeared in Adhesive Age, American Paint & Coating Journal, Chemical & Engineering News, Chemical Marketing Reporter, Chemical Purchasing, Chemical Week, Modern Plastics, and Plastics World. Sales promotion and personal selling were supported by publicity. Editorial tours of the company’s new plants, programs to develop employee understanding and involvement in the expansion, and briefings for local people in towns and cities where USIC [the company] had facilities provided a catalyst for publicity. Personal selling was aggressive and provided direct communication about the firm’s continued service. USIC reassured producers of ethyl alcohol, vinyl acetate monomer, and polyethylene that “we will not lose personal touch with our customers.”
Development of an optimum promotion mix is by no means easy. Companies often use haphazard, seat-of-the-pants procedures to determine the respective roles of advertising, personal selling, and sales promotion in a product/market situation. Decisions about the promotional mix are often diffused among many decision makers, impeding the formation of a unified promotion strategy. Personal selling plans are sometimes divorced from the planning of advertising and sales promotion. Frequently, decision makers are not adequately aware of the objectives and broad strategies of the overall product program that the promotion plan is designed to implement. Sales and market share goals tend to be constant, regardless of decreases or increases in promotional expenditures. Thus they are unrealistic as guides and directives for planning, as criteria for promotional effectiveness, or even as a fair basis for application of the judgment of decision makers. Briefly, the present state of the art in the administration of the promotion function is such that cause-and-effect relationships as well as other basic insights are not sufficiently understood to permit knowledgeable forecasts of what to expect from alternate courses of action. Even identifying feasible alternatives can prove difficult.
Product Factors. Factors in this category relate principally to the way in which a product is bought, consumed, and perceived by the customer. For industrial goods, especially technical products, personal selling is more significant than advertising because these goods usually need to be inspected and compared before being bought. Salespeople can explain the workings of a product and provide on-the-spot answers to customer queries. For customer goods such as cosmetics and processed foods, advertising is of primary importance. In addition, advertising plays a dominant role for products that provide an opportunity for differentiation and for those being purchased with emotional motives. The perceived risk of a purchase decision is another variable here. Generally speaking, the more risk a buyer perceives to be associated with buying a particular product, the higher the importance of personal selling over advertising. A buyer generally desires specific information on a product when the perceived risk is high. This necessitates an emphasis on personal selling. Durable goods are bought less frequently than nondurables and usually require a heavy commitment of resources. These characteristics make personal selling of greater significance for durable goods than advertising. However, because many durable goods are sold through franchised dealerships, the influence of each type of promotion should be determined in light of the additional push it would provide in moving the product. Finally, products purchased in small quantities are presumably purchased frequently and require routine decision making. For these products, advertising should be preferable to personal selling. Such products are often of low value; therefore, a profitable business in these products can only be conducted on volume. This underlines the importance of advertising in this case.
Market Factors. The first market factor is the position of a product in its life cycle. The creation of primary demand, hitherto nonexistent, is the primary task during the introductory stage; therefore, a great promotion effort is needed to explain a new product to potential customers. For consumer goods in the introductory stage, the major thrust is on heavy advertising supported by missionary selling to help distributors move the product. In addition, different devices of sales promotion (e.g., sampling, couponing, free demonstrations) are employed to entice the customer to try the product. In the case of industrial products, personal selling alone is useful during this period. During the growth phase, there is increasing demand, which means enough business for all competitors. In the case of consumer goods, however, the promotional effort shifts to reliance on advertising. Industrial goods, on the other hand, begin to be advertised as the market broadens. However, they continue to require a personal selling effort. In the maturity phase, competition becomes intense, and advertising, along with sales promotion, is required to differentiate the product (a consumer good) from competitive brands and to provide an incentive to the customer to buy a particular product. Industrial goods during maturity call for intensive personal selling. During the decline phase, the promotional effort does not vary much initially from that during the maturity phase except that the intensity of promotion declines. Later, as price competition becomes keen and demand continues to decline, overall promotional perspectives are reduced. For a given product class, if market share is high, both advertising and personal selling are used. If the market share is low, the emphasis is placed on either personal selling or advertising. This is because high market share seems to indicate that the company does business in more than one segment and uses multiple channels of distribution. Thus, both personal selling and advertising are used to promote the product. Where market share is low, the perspectives of the business are limited, and either advertising or personal selling will suffice, depending on the nature of the product. If the industry is concentrated among a few firms, advertising has additional significance for two reasons: (a) heavy advertising may help discourage other firms from entering the field, and (b) heavy advertising sustains a desired position for the product in the market. Heavy advertising constitutes an implied warranty of product performance and perhaps decreases the uncertainty consumers associate with new products. In this way, new competition is discouraged and existing positions are reinforced. Intensity of competition tends to affect promotional blending in the same way that market share does. When competition is keen, all three types of promotion are needed to sustain a product’s position in the market. This is because promotion is needed to inform, remind, and persuade customers to buy the product.
On the other hand, if competitive activity is limited, the major function of promotion is to inform and perhaps remind customers about the product. Thus, either advertising or personal selling is emphasized. Hypothetically, advertising is more suited for products that have relatively latent demand. This is because advertising investment should open up new opportunities in the long run, and if the carryover effect is counted, expenditure per sales dollar would be more beneficial. If demand is limited and new demand is not expected to be created, advertising outlay would be uneconomical. Thus, future potential becomes a significant factor in determining the role of advertising.
Customer Factors. One of the major dimensions used to differentiate businesses is whether products are marketed for household consumption or for organizational use. There are several significant differences in the way products are marketed to these two customer groups, and these differences exert considerable influence on the type of promotion that should be used. In the case of household customers, it is relatively easy to identify the decision maker for a particular product; therefore, advertising is more desirable. Also, the self-service nature of many consumer-product sales makes personal selling relatively unimportant. Finally, household customers do not ordinarily go through a formal buying process using objective criteria as organizational customers do. This again makes advertising more useful for reaching household customers. Essentially the same reasons make personal selling more relevant in promoting a product among organizational customers. The number of customers and their geographic concentration also influence promotional blending. For a small customer base, especially if it is geographically concentrated, advertising does not make as much sense as it does in cases where customers are widely scattered and represent a significant mass. Caution is needed here because some advertising may always be necessary for consumer goods, no matter what the market perspectives are. Thus, these statements provide only a conceptual framework and should not be interpreted as exact yes/no criteria. Budget Factors. Ideally, the budget should be based on the promotional tasks to be performed. However, intuitively and traditionally, companies place an upper limit on the amount that they spend on promotion. Such limits may influence the type of promotion that may be undertaken in two ways. First, a financially weak company is constrained in undertaking certain types of promotion. For example, television advertising necessitates a heavy commitment of resources. Second, in many companies the advertising budget is, by tradition, linked to revenues as a percentage. This method of allocation continues to be used so that expected revenues indicate how much may be spent on advertising in the future. The allocated funds, then, automatically determine the role of advertising.
Successful strategy for website promotion
Creating a successful Internet presence involves much more than designing a great web site or having the "perfect" product. Listing your website with the Search Engines is your first step, however, you must not solely depend upon the Search Engines to bring you traffic. You must design a complete promotional strategy and work it every day.
A good way to organize your promotions is to set up a webpage, for your personal use, that will contain your complete strategy. This page should be stored on your hard drive and not uploaded to your server. Your page should contain four sections.
- Daily Promotions
- Weekly Promotions
- Monthly Promotions
- Miscellaneous Promotions
Each of these four sections should contain the appropriate information for each of your promotional resources such as, website name, user ID, password (if applicable) and hyperlinked web addresses for each website you plan to use for your promotions. This will enable you to open your webpage each day and visit each daily promotional link you have listed.
Your daily promotions should include posting your ads to a list of free classified ad and free for all sites. In addition, visit some popular discussion boards. Although you may not advertise on discussion boards, you can include your signature file with your post. There are several websites that will enable you to submit your classified ads and links to an entire network of sites with just one form. Here is a list of resources to get you started:
Yahoo Classifieds
AdlandPro Networked Classifieds 5000+
Web Sitings Networked Classifieds 40,000+
Epage Networked Classifieds 16,000+
SmallBizFFA 35,000+
FFA Network 10,000+
Free Submission 9,500+
MGA web 5,000+
Link Place 3,000+
Link Station 8,000+
USubmit 9,500+
Wizard 8,000+
URL Submitter 183,500+
For a complete listing of some of the top discussion boards, visit: web-source
Your weekly promotions should consist of placing a paid ezine advertisement and/or arranging ad swaps with fellow publishers. Visit the Free Directory of Ezines for all the information you'll need to place and/or swap ads with over 700 ezines. NETMASTERSOLUTION
To organize your ad placements and swaps, place the publication names, publisher names, ad dates and hyperlinked web addresses within your weekly promotions list.
Your monthly promotions should include writing an article in the area of your expertise, Search Engine submissions, promotional exchanges with similar websites and offline promotions. Writing Articles:
Writing articles that may be freely published with your bylines is one of the best promotional methods online. Your article may be published in hundreds of ezines, on websites or even in magazines. To learn more about writing articles for publication, read the article entitled, "Write For Publicity." http://www.web-source.net/write.htm
To organize your monthly promotions, place the names and hyperlinked web addresses for each of your promotional resources within your monthly promotions section.
Article Announcement Lists:
Article Announce
Subscribe: mailto:article_announce-subscribe@egroups.com
Subscribe: mailto:PublishInYours-subscribe@egroups.com
Articles Archive
Subscribe: mailto:articles_archives-subscribe@egroups.com
Free Content
Subscribe: mailto:Free-Content-subscribe@egroups.com
Article Submission Sites:
Free Content
Ezine Articles
Search Engines:
Promotional Exchanges:
To set up some promotional exchanges with similar websites, visit a Search Engine and type in a keyword that best describes your website. Visit some websites that are similar to yours, but not in competition. Contact the webmaster to discuss your promotional exchange. This may be a link exchange, joint venture, or whatever you both decide.Your miscellaneous promotions will include; running a press release, joining traffic generating programs, buying promotional products and advertising in newspapers, magazines, etc.
Press Release:
CanadaOne: It provides a free interactive press release builder.
Gebbie: It Press provides over 10,000 links to print and electronic media on the Internet.
Dr. Kevin Nunley: He will write your press release and send it to 5,000 media.
Gap Enterprises: It will enable you to send your press release to over 7,600 media. You write your press release or they'll write it for you.
Traffic Generating Programs:
Join some traffic generating programs to build a network of websites all linking to your website. WEB_SOURCE
Promotional Products:
IDit Plates - Put your web address on your vehicle. IDit Plates are a great way to continuously promote your web site. They look like chrome and blend in well with your vehicle.
Magnetic Signs - Full size magnetic signs for your vehicle. Get a customized sign that magnetically adheres to each side of your vehicle, advertising your website.
iPrint - Professional printing over the Internet.
PromoCity - Add your logo to any of over 500 promotional items.
Offline Promotions:
Place ads in newspapers, magazines, on the radio, TV, etc., Visit these links for complete listings:
NewsDirectory Newspapers
Newspapers Online
Once you've created your promotional webpage, open it up in your browser and add it to your favorite places or bookmark it for easy daily access. Set up a specific day for your weekly and monthly promotions and perform your miscellaneous promotions as needed.
Once you've implemented your promotional strategy and continuously work it each day, you'll be amazed with the results of your efforts. Consistency will be the key to driving massive traffic to your site.
E-mail marketing Campaign
Email marketing campaigns fail for many different reasons, but the most common mistake online marketers make is not designing the campaign in a manner to produce results. Over the past couple of years I’ve developed this list of key elements to ensure my email marketing campaigns are both profitable and successful. Now I’m going to share them with you so you’re email marketing campaigns will do the same for you.
1: Choose Your Mailing List Very Carefully
Any email marketing campaign is only as good as the mailing list used. There’s many different choices when determining the source of your mailing list so you want to be very careful when making this decision. Too many times email marketers believe the best way to produce results is by using shotgun marketing techniques with harvested email lists. The premise is based on large numbers and the law of averages, in that you’ll produce results simply by sending your ad out to as large a number of recipients as possible. This is a very ineffective way to produce results.
The key of choosing your list is based on your target market. You’re ad may be great but if your mailing list doesn’t consist of your target market, you just as well not send it out. You can use a very small targeted list and produce incredible response rates, depending on your ad, but you can get in the 15% to 35% response range. Before you purchase a mailing list, make sure the list owner can tell what market is represented on the list.
2: You Want To Produce Responses Not Sales
When you advertise, your goal is to get the prospect to respond by requesting more information about what you’re offering for sale. Too many times online marketers try to make the sale in their ad and all too often they fail. Your ad must focus on the most powerful benefits your prospect will gain from the purchase of your product and how they can get more detailed information. You want your ad to sound as if you’re talking with each prospect personally to get the best response rates.
3: Make Your Ad Brief And To The Point
In today’s fast paced society, people are busy and your email marketing needs to take this into consideration. Look to your own experience to help you out here. When you’re searching for initial information you don’t want to wade through a mountain of information, you want information that’s brief and to the point. You’ll have more time to go over the more detailed information in the sales material once you’ve made the initial inquiry.
If your ad rambles on and doesn’t get to the point quickly, your prospect will simply skip over your ad and move on to the next. Pick the most important benefits of your product and let your prospect know what they are and how they’ll solve their problems. Make sure your ad gets directly to the point about your offer. Don’t make your prospect guess about what you’re offering. How do you expect them to request more information if they don’t understand what you’re offering them? After reading thousands of ads, the most common mistakes are made in both the length of the ad and that it doesn’t get to the point.
4: Give Your Prospect An Incentive To Respond
The most powerful word in advertising is "Free!" When you make an offer of a free sample or report, your chances of getting a better response is dramatically increased. Discounts and limited time offers can also be used in your ads, but they’re best used in the sales letter when trying to produce an order. For the best responses, make your incentives immediate and short term. You want to create a sense of urgency when using incentives. If you can generate more ad responses using incentives, you’re increasing your chances for making more sales.
5: Include A Strong "Call To Action"
Have you ever read an ad that when you finished you couldn't figure out what to do next? This is a fatal mistake that’s made in many ads. Don’t be timid here, make sure your prospect knows exactly what to do if they want more details. You can have them send an email, visit your web page, call a phone number or any other method of delivery you’ve chosen, just make sure you give your prospect some options and make the call to action strong. This is an excellent place to combine an incentive.
6: Track And Record Your Responses
Developing a successful email marketing campaign isn’t just having a great ad, its having a great ad and knowing what kind of responses it’ll produce in a specific target market! Your ad might be very successful in one target market and less successful in another. But you won't know this if you don't "Track and Record Your Responses!" You can use special codes as department numbers or form numbers, but the best strategy I've used is in linking a specific ad to an autoresponder or web page. Make sure you always record the responses on a tracking form for evaluation and reference.
7: Follow Up With Every Response
It completely baffles me why an online marketer would spend their time, effort and money to advertise and then make no attempt to follow up with the prospects. You've created an interested prospect because they've asked to get more details, don't stake the success of your business on the fact that after they've read your sales letter, they'll place an order without you asking them for the sale again. If you don't follow up and ask for the sale again, you're passing up the opportunity of a 20% to 30% increase in your sales. I don't know of any business owner who wouldn't jump at the opportunity to increase their sales by 20% to 30% percent and you can accomplish this by just following up with your prospects!
8: Test Your Entire Email Marketing Process
The key to producing a successful email marketing campaign is: "To Test Your Entire Process!" Test, test, test, test! Think about this: Is your ad pulling the most responses it can or can it get a much larger response rate? You'll never know unless you test. Here's where you can take a small profit and create a fortune for your business. You want to take a systematic approach that'll give you quantifiable results for comparing specific ads, sales letters, markets and advertising mediums. But be very careful. Don't make wholesale changes, test each component in your process separately. Test, test and test some more! Be patient and be persistent!
9: Expect Questions From Your Prospects
No matter how well your ads and sales letters are written, you’ll still get questions. Online prospects are more educated and want more information before they make their buying decision. In fact, before I make a purchase online, I send an email to the advertiser asking anything, just to see what and how quickly they respond. You'd be amazed at how many times I never receive a reply. When you do respond, do it honestly and quickly. They're hot prospects when they ask a question, so get them the information they want and as quickly as possible, before they cool off. If you don’t want the sale just do nothing.
10: Set Reasonable And Achievable Goals
In most email marketing campaigns, a 1% to 3% response rate is considered very good. You can and will see better and worse response rates by carefully selecting a targeted email list. But you need to set reasonable and achievable goals for your campaign. If your goals are set too high and can’t be reached you’ll become disillusioned and stop marketing. You want to be able to reach some of your goals so set them up in steps to keep building from.
Final Thoughts
Once you begin your email marketing campaign you’ll begin to see for yourself which of these elements you’ve mastered and which ones you still need to work on. In to give your campaign the best possible chance for success, make sure you've considered and applied these 10 Key Elements. Make your selections carefully and with a specific goal in mind and soon you’ll find that you’re easily obtaining your email marketing goals and producing incredible profits from your online marketing campaign.
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